Our Concept

When somebody asks me, "what is the most important thing in Orthodontic treatment?" from my 25-year clinical experience, I would say healthy temporomandibular joints(TMJs). Unstable TMJs make it very difficult to achieve a good bite. About 30% of adults who notice no subjective symptom have a TMJ problem. And about 90% of people who complain of some kind of symptoms such as sound and pain around TMJ area, have instability in the circular disk of TMJs. Moreover, this might have already existed in their childhood and have affected the growth of the lower jaw. It will cause the immature lower jaw, the open bite problem, and the asymmetry of face.

One of the objectives of Orthodontic treatment is to establish a functional bite. This should be identified enough among orthodontists, but the truth is not the case. This is because of the conception that Orthodontic treatment has nothing to do with TMJ problems. In our office, we have been practicing treatment, giving due consideration to the diagnosis of TMJs, as well as facial appearances, esthetic tooth alignment, and tooth supporting tissues like gums. After the treatment, former patients visit our office for recall check-up every six months. You will see their beautiful tooth alignment and face contour without strain have been maintained for more than 10 years. And I keenly feel that it is TMJ that I should care about the most for obtaining the excellent stable results.

Dr. Kazumi Ikeda
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